Studies Show Acai Berry Absorbs in the Human Body

By Dr. Jerimiah Crossderd

The acai berry has been a popular health food though not a lot of scientific research-until now. In a first time study that involves people, the acai berry has proven that it has the ability to be absorbed in the human body when it is drank as a juice or when the pulp is eaten.

That finding, by a team of Texas AgriLife Research scientists, was published in a recent issue of the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. Providing evidence that the acai berry fruit absorption in humans is important because it is known to contain numerous antioxidants that stop and prevent free radicals from damaging the body's cells.

The scientist performed this research by taking 12 healthy people by providing them one daily serving of either acai jusice or the acai berry pulp. The acai berry is a pupular food in the U.S. that is being touted as a miricale food.

There have been other studies done to show that the human body is able to absorb antioxidants from other foods, but this is the first time that the acai berry has been tested to determine if acai's antioxidants are absorbed in humans. Acai has a taste that is described by many as a mixture of chocalate and red wine.

The acai berry has found a popular spot in the consumers heart by being marketed as a superfood where it can reduce your weight all the way to the professional ranks where its been marketed as an instant energy recovery food.

Acai berry is only grow in the Btrazilian rain forrest from a palm tree called the acai palm-these palms can grow as high as sixty feet. The only edible part of the acai berry is the outermost layer.

One of the pioneers of the study of acai berry is the Talcotts who first began studying the fruit in 2001. Thier intial studies dealt primarily with the high cocentrations of antioxidants found in the pulp and juice-these were also the first known studies that were ever published in english happening in 2004.

Studies showed the berrys activity against cancer cells. With that infrmation, the team then decided to find out whether those elements were actually being absorbed into the human body or being eliminated unused as waste.

Antioxidants can only be absorbed in smal quantities as is the case with vitamin c.

About the Author:


"The acai berry has been a popular health food though not a lot of scientific research-until now. In a first time study that involves people, the acai berry has proven that it has the ability to be absorbed in the human body when it is drank as a juice or when the pulp is eaten."

Seems like this was a well known fact but I guess this was only recently proven. Thanks for the article.

In short, the Acai Berry is taking the nation by storm!

For this reason, Acai Berry is now a primary ingredient in many of the most effective supplements on the market. From juices and pulps to candy, Acai berries are making individuals all across the country look and feel better.

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