How Can Chakra Meditation Enhance Your Life?

By Gillian Tamzeen

Present in the body of every human being, the chakras are the focal points for our energy. We may or may not be aware of them, but our chakras have an effect on our lives, whether for good (as when they are in alignment) or when they hold us back from getting the most out of our lives (such as when they are out of alignment or blocked).

Chakra comes from the Sanksrit word for energy. Although the concept comes to us from the Hindu faith, our energy centers care little what, if any religion we ourselves may practice. Energy is instead a universal force possessed by every person. The physical manifestation of the path through which this energy flows in and out of our auras is the Chakras.

Making sure that our chakras are aligned and balanced make it possible for us to open our minds and get a better understanding of what our true spiritual nature is. Keep in mind that most people are not balanced and their chakras are not aligned. That is why chakra meditation is so important. To begin chakra meditation it is important you know where the chakras are located and what they do.

Situated in important areas of your body like the heart and the top of the head, the chakras influence the organs which surround them and they also play a part in proper energy flow. The number of chakras in your body is seven.

The first chakra is the Root Chakra and it is located at the base of the spine. This chakra is related to the body and our individual ability to master our body. So your general health, constitution and security are all tied to the Root Chakra. This is also the chakra that helps us realize how we are connected to the world around us. The color for this chakra is red.

The second chakra is the Naval Chakra and it is founding the lower abdomen. This chakra is tied to the acts of giving and receiving as well as our physical feeling of love, sexuality, passion and pleasure. When you are experiencing feelings of harmony, selflessness, generosity and creativity you will feel it in this chakra. The color for the Naval Chakra is orange.

The third chakra is the Solar Plexus Chakra, located just below our chests near the diaphragm. This chakra represents our will and our ability to change and transform. Our own control over our personal energy is governed by this chakra. This chakra is also the source of self discipline and acts as a check upon the ego. This chakra's color is yellow.

Fourth is the Heart Chakra, located at the very center of our chests. Unsurprisingly, this chakra represents our feelings of love, understanding and compassion. The Heart Chakra governs love which is beyond the physical. The color if this chakra is green.

The fifth chakra is the Throat Chakra, sited between the chin and the sternum. This chakra governs communication. The Throat Chakra lets us understand the power of honest speech to convey truth, kindness and wisdom. The color of the Throat chakra is sky blue.

Also known as the third eye, the sixth chakra is called the Brow Chakra and is located in the forehead, between the eyebrows. This chakra is responsible for insight, imagination and intuition. This is the chakra which lets you look inward to examine your own soul. Peace of mind and an experience of the divine is also located here. This chakra's color is indigo.

The final chakra is the Crown Chakra, obviously based on the name it is found at the top of the head. So it should go with out saying then that anything that deals with the mind and spirit is controlled here. It is the Crown Chakra that is tied to our individual journey into understanding our own consciousness and our place in time and space. Anything dealing with the Higher Self is rooted in the Crown Chakra. The color for the Crown Chakra is violet.

Knowing where each chakra is and what each one is tied to will help you with chakra meditation. There are meditations that can be used to align all of the chakras as well as meditations that focus on one particular chakra.

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