Whistler Radar Detector - A Non-Bias Review

By John Smith

Life can be full of many hassles. Today, time is a very sparse resource. It is hard to manage a job, family and emergencies in a calm manner. I understand how last minute surprises can interfere your daily schedule. Sometimes the only solution is to speed so that you can save that extra time to finish other projects/tasks. However, there is one major problem - cops. They insist on setting up traps and making sure that they stop the person who is trying to get stuff done in their life.

To increase your chances of not getting caught, companies such as Whistler have made radar detectors. However, this leads to another problem. Which radar detector should you buy? Radar detectors can cost 600$, but do you really need to spend that much to get the same security? No.

Whistler is a company who does not overprice their products just to increase revenue. Whistler Radar Detectors are very powerful and this small name has been gaining a lot of currency recently. They are very serious about producing quality, affordable and efficient radar detectors. You should check out their Whistler Pro 78 or the Whistler XTR-690.

Now you probably want to know some of the unique features that sets Whistler Radar Detectors apart from competitors. Well I use to own a Cobra, which was priced right at 500$, and compared to whistler, it was nothing. My Whistler Radar Detector picked up on signals seconds before I even noticed a cop in sight. This is enough time to slow down and flash a smirk as you pass obeying all laws.

If you are one of the people, like me, who like listening to loud music while you drive, then you will definitely enjoy the Whistler Radar Detector. You can see the detector flashing while you are driving so that you know to slow down now. I know that you are probably like me and are guilty of speeding. I do it all of the time. However, with the Whistler Radar Detector, I don't have to worry about speeding anymore!

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